Dates for Your Diary
February: LGBTQ+ Month
Monday 3rd – Friday 7th February: Children’s Mental Health Week
Monday 3rd February, 9.30 – 11.30am: Mental health coffee morning with Emotional Resilience team
Tuesday 4th February, 9.00 am: Reception Stay and Play; Reading
Tuesday 4th February: Hand Hygiene Workshop - all classes
Thursday 6th February: Time to Talk Day
Thursday 6th February, 11.00 am: Nursery Come and Play; Understanding the World
Tuesday 11th February: Safer Internet Day. Theme is “Together for a better Internet”
Friday 14th February: Valentine's Day Themed Meal
Tuesday 18th February: Class 3 – Multisport Festival, Maiden Castle
Wednesday 19th February: Class 3 - 'Anglo Saxon Diet' Workshop by Chartwells
Friday 21st February, am: EYFS Festival in school – Older Nursery and Class 1
Friday 21st February: Half Term
Monday 3rd March: Back to school
Tuesday 4th March: Class 1 – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt event at Maiden Castle
Tuesday 4th March: Class 4 Mars Day online events all day
Tuesday 4th March: Pancake Day Themed Meal (Pancakes for dessert)
Wednesday 5th March, 9.30am: FOLAS Meeting - all parents/carers welcome
Thursday 6th March: World Book Day
Monday 10th March – Friday 14th March: Science Week. Theme is “Adapt and change.”
Wednesday 12th March: Tempest Photography - Class Photographs
Wednesday 12th March, 2.30 pm: Reception Stay and Play; Science
Thursday 13th March, 11.00 am: Nursery Come and Play; Science
Thursday 13th March, pm: Year 5/6 dodgeball in school
Monday 17th March, 3.30 – 6.00 pm: Parents’ Evening for Nursery, Classes 2, 3 and 4
Tuesday 18th March, 3.30 – 6.00 pm: Parents’ Evening for Nursery, Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4
Tuesday 18th March: Wellbeing Yoga Day - Whole School
Thursday 20th March: Class 2 – Key Stage 1 Invasion Games, Framwellgate School
Friday 21st March: Red Nose Day
Friday 21st March: Red Nose Day Themed Lunch
Tuesday 1st April, am: Year 5 Easter Journey Carrville Methodist Church
Friday 4th April: Non-Uniform day for an Easter chocolate donation. Chocolate will be used for Friends of Laurel Avenue Chocolate Raffle held during the Easter Assembly.
Wednesday 9th April: Children bring in entries for Easter Egg Competition. Winners to be announced during assembly on Friday 11th April.
Wednesday 9th April​: Easter Lunch
Friday 11th April, 9.15 am: Easter Assembly including Friends of Laurel Avenue Chocolate Raffle
Friday 11th April: Last day of term
Monday 28th April: Back to school
Important Dates
Monday 12th May – Thursday 15th May 2024: Year 6 SATS
May 2025: Year 2 SATs
Monday 2nd June – Friday 13th June 2024: Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
Monday 9th June – Friday 13th June 2024: Year 1 Phonics Test