Home School Agreement

Laurel Avenue Community Primary School Home-School Agreement


It is the wish of everyone at Laurel Avenue Community Primary School to provide for its pupils a happy, secure and stimulating environment in which they can develop both intellectually and socially. We aim to encourage an enjoyment of life and a love of learning. We believe that a positive partnership with you is crucial.


The School will:

Encourage children to do their best at all times. 

Provide a balanced, interesting and relevant curriculum in a learning environment that is stimulating and challenging.

Regularly meet with you to communicate the progress of your child, celebrating their strengths and explaining how we can support and scaffold them in their areas for development.

 Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements.

Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to one another, regardless of gender, race, culture, belief, values, age and need.

Encourage your child to become an active member within our community and help them to see that they can have an impact on the world around them.

Care for your child’s safety and well-being by observation and listening to them.

Inform you about what the teachers aim to teach the children each term through information sent home, newsletters and the website.

Set differentiated and achievable homework to extend the curriculum and provide the opportunity for independent learning. Clear information will be provided so that you will be able to help your child if required.


I as a Parent/Carer will:

Make sure that my child will arrive at school by 8.55 am.

Make sure that my child attends school regularly and provides a note of explanation or telephones the school if my child is absent.

Support and adhere to the school’s policies for behaviour, homework and school uniform.

Attend meetings that are relevant and involve my child, including parents’ evenings.

Let the school know of any problems which may affect my child’s learning.

Make sure that my child is wearing named school uniform or other suitable clothing and that their PE kit is brought into school at the beginning of each week.

Let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do homework, as this can then be resolved quickly.

Attend meetings with my child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving my child on in their learning.

Support and work with school to ensure that the behaviour management policies of the school are maintained, particularly with my child.

Read all information sent home as this gives me important details of school life.

Support the school by making sure that homework tasks are completed and returned on time.

I, as a pupil of Laurel Avenue Community Primary School, will

Understand that I have rights within school, some of which are:

To be treated kindly.

To be listened to.

To be helped.

To have a friend.

To play and join in games.

To be happy.

To feel wanted.

To be safe.

To be special.

We are a NED School!

Never give up

Encourage others

Do your best

Respect other children’s culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.

Accept responsibility for the things that I do.

Be responsible for my school and homework.

Ask for help if I need it and try my best in all that I do.

Ensure that I take home all school letters.

Follow the school’s Code of Conduct.

Be kind and speak politely to everyone in school.

Take good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.

Behave in a safe way.

Be helpful.

Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.