Don’t forget to order your child’s Pizza The Action Lunch, being served on Thursday 16th January.

There will be Cheese & Tomato Pizza, BBQ Chicken Pizza, Veggie Supreme Pizza, BBQ Quorn Pizza served with Potato Wedges, Cucumber and Tomato Salad, Sweetcorn followed by Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream.
If your child usually has a packed lunch, please call school on 0191 3868416 to book their themed meal.
All children in Classes 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
If you are not entitled to a free school meal, please pay via ParentPay - £2.81 a meal.
Thank you.
We are collecting dressing up clothes to start a new zone. Do you have any dressing up costumes and accessories that you no longer need and are taking up space? Please send into school with your child.
Thank you !
Attendance Information for Parents/Carers
Please read the following chart with respect to taking children out of school during term time. These are changes that came into force from this term - September 2024.

Please keep a very close eye on your child/ren and keep a check of their temperature and other symptoms. Thank you.

COVID-19 symptoms can include:

  • a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling tired or exhausted
  • an aching body
  • a headache
  • a sore throat
  • a blocked or runny nose
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhoea
  • feeling sick or being sick

The symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other illnesses, such as colds and flu.


What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19

You may be able to look after yourself at home if you have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19.

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you or your child have symptoms and either:

  • have a high temperature
  • do not feel well enough to go to work, school, childcare, or do your normal activities

You can go back to your normal activities when you feel better or do not have a high temperature.

If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school or childcare.


What to do if you have tested positive

You are no longer required to do a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test if you have symptoms.

But if you or your child have tested positive for COVID-19:

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day the test was taken if you or your child are under 18 years old – children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults
  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days after the day you took your test if you are 18 years old or over
  • avoid meeting people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as people with a weakened immune system, for 10 days after the day you took your test

Find out more about who can get a free COVID-19 test


Urgent advice

Ask for an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111 if:

  • you're worried about your or a child's COVID-19 symptoms or are not sure what to do
  • the symptoms are getting worse or are not getting better
  • you or a child have other signs of illness, such as a rash, loss of appetite, or feeling weak
  • you or a child have a high temperature that last 5 days or more or does not come down with paracetamol
  • a child under 3 months old and has a temperature of 38C or higher, or you think they have a high temperature
  • a child 3 to 6 months old and has a temperature of 39C or higher, or you think they have a high temperature

It's particularly important to get help if you're at increased risk of getting ill from COVID-19, such as if you're pregnant, aged 60 or over, or have a weakened immune system.

You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.


Call 999 or go to A&E if you or a child:

  • seems very unwell, is getting worse or you think there's something seriously wrong – children and babies in particular can get unwell very quickly
  • get sudden chest pain
  • are so breathless you're unable to say short sentences when resting or your breathing has suddenly got worse – in babies their stomach may suck in under their ribs
  • start coughing up blood
  • collapse, faint, or have a seizure or fit for the first time
  • a rash that does not fade when you roll a glass over it, the same as meningiti