Laurel Avenue Community Primary School Nursery

Starting your child in our school nursery is a wonderful way to start their learning adventure and introduce them to school life and our vibrant, caring community.

We recognise that for any parent or carer, choosing the best nursery provision is of paramount importance. We are delighted to offer a nursery which promotes high standards of education in a safe, spacious and stimulating environment.

We have a team of dedicated, experienced and fully qualified teachers and teaching assistants who are committed to making the most of endless opportunities for your child. Mrs Lawson, our Foundation Stage Manager, received a Primary Science Teaching Award and so has access to fabulous resources and science opportunities which she brings to our nursery.

Mrs Fawcett has a wealth of experience working with Nursery children. Miss Hughes and Miss Browbank are experienced practitioners in the early years, working with our two-year old children.

If your child has a special educational need, our coordinator is Ms Davison, the Headteacher; she has a wealth of experience and has achieved the National Special Educational Needs Coordination Award. Children who enjoy a challenge and are ready for higher level learning through play, work with our Reception Teacher, Mrs Meehan, as part of their nursery experience.

Our nursery inside is spacious - the size of two large classrooms with private toilet area, kitchen and a changing room. It is fully equipped with the latest technology - large interactive whiteboard, interactive desktops and iPads are available for children to use. Nursery has many areas which are regularly changed and are often based on the interest of the current children in our nursery, including sensory area, role play, construction, mark making, funky fingers for coordination, tough trays full of ever changing activities based on current interests and topic areas, sand, water and an art studio.


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We have a fabulous, spacious, private garden with:

brand new outside playground

bike track for our trikes, scooters and balance bikes

large construction equipment

mud kitchen

large mark making boards

cascading water play

sand play

digging areas - we are always growing something new

science investigation areas

Bug Hotel

Have a look at just some of the fun and enthusiastic learning that our children have every day:


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Children who attend our nursery have a seamless transition to school when they start in Reception. They move to their new classroom with already established friends and staff they are familiar with.

Making friendships to last...


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click to read our nursery brochure