Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is allocated to the school for 3 and 4-year-old children accessing the free 15 hour entitlement, if their families receive certain benefits including income support, working Tax Credit and Universal credit.  It is also paid for any children who are, or have been “looked after” by the local authority.

The EYPP is funded at 53p per hour (around £300 per year). Eligibility is checked each term.

The aim of the funding is to “narrow the gap” in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers, and to ensure that all children achieve their full potential.

EYPP at Laurel Avenue is used to make targeted provision to meet each pupil’s individual needs.  Some pupils benefit from additional support with speech, language and communication, some with developing confidence in forming relationships with other children and others with physical skills. 

Our strategy reports below give a full analysis of barriers facing the future attainment of pupils eligible for EYPP, our desired outcomes, chosen action and approaches and their subsequebnt impact. 


early years pupil premium strategy report 2017 - 2019