As a school we map
• Breadth of study - the topics the pupils will study
• Threshold concepts - the big ideas in art that pupils will explore through every topic (develop ideas, master techniques and take inspiration from the greats).
• Milestones - the goals that pupils should reach to show they are meeting the expectations of the curriculum.
Milestones are the goals that pupils are aiming for; through developing a strong schema based on knowledge, vocabulary and tasks pupils progress through the milestones.
Within the art curriculum, we use 9 knowledge categories that enable pupils to identify common themes and make links throughout different genres of art. The knowledge categories are: media and materials, techniques, effects, colour theory, emotions, artists and artisans, styles and periods, visual language and process.
Pupils with SEND are given full access to the art curriculum. Teachers use a range of strategies to enable all pupils to become successful artists including:
• Discrete teaching of vocabulary to ensure all pupils access and use art terminology
• Pre-teaching where appropriate for example: sharing texts with a pupil prior to the lesson
• Dual coding to help pupils efficiently learn key concepts
• Thinking maps and mind mapping to enable pupils to organise and memorise key knowledge.