Will School receive additional funds to help meet the needs of my child?
Like every other Primary, we receive our school budget in April every year. As part of this budget there is money which is given to the school specifically to provide additional resources for any child that may have additional needs. The budget allocation is agreed between our school and the Local Authority. This funding is prioritised to ensure full support is given to ensue small steps of progress are continually made by all SEND learners. Detail of how this money is used to support children and young people with SEND is shown below. This is monitored each term by the Governing Body.
At Laurel Avenue Community Primary School, our notional SEN budget amounts to £80,131.
This is used to support children with SEND in a variety of ways including giving them access to additional targeted support from teachers or teaching assistants and additional resources.
Children who are on our SEN register will access support additional to that normally available in the classroom. Although children’s needs are assessed individually, children may work work in a small group or 1:1 situation with a teacher or teaching assistant once or more than once a week. These groups may be taught alongside the rest of the class in the classroom or taken to another teaching area in school. We constantly evaluate the needs of our children and provision changes as needed but in all our classrooms there is free access to resources needed on a day to day basis. Wherever possible, additional interventions are offered at the start and end of the day to ensure children are not missing out on curriculum opportunities.
If a child has complex special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes. In this case, schools are expected to fund the first £6000 of support per child for any children with high level needs who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If they require further funding then school has to request additional top up funding from the Local Authority.
We currently have 2 children with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).
If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.
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